Sunday, January 4, 2015

Daily Struggle

“Life is how you see it. The only way to change your life is to change your perception of it." -- TBA*
Overhead view of marble spiral staircase

It's easy to say change your perception, but in practice not so easy to do -- it's something people struggle with everyday. What works for me is to decide once, make a commitment, and "leave the dock." (see my Jan 2nd blog --Finding the Courage to Make Change)  Leaving the dock is what mentally and/or physically moves you to a different location, and by definition, your perspective is changed. It is here where you then focus your energies on how to survive in your new reality.

With full credit to Seth Godin's blog, I've found these three sentences to be life changing:
"There's a fundamental difference between the things you do every day, every single day, and the things you do only when the spirit moves you. One difference is that once you've committed to doing something daily, you find that the spirit moves you, daily. Rather than having a daily debate about today's agenda, you can decide once that you will do something, and then decide every single day how to do it." --Seth Godin
*TBA is my acronym for "to be attributed" -- still looking for the author.

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